You don’t know jack

It doesn’t matter if you call it horse mackerel, beach tuna, black mackerel, or just old Jack, crevalle jack is one of the most enjoyable and commonly found pelagic game fish in Mississippi salt waters. These medium-sized coastal maullers are fun to catch, hearty, and taste great to boot.

What is a Jack?

Classified as Caranx hippos, the crevalle cat belongs to the same family as the pompano and the horse mackerel. A fast-swimming predatory fish, the cat hunts, usually in packs, in the waters above reefs and in the open ocean for anything large enough to fit in its mouth. Its color is generally silver with a blue-green to golden-green back. They are quickly identified by their flattened face, two sets of dorsal fins, a black patch on their gills, and another on their stubby Trex-style pectoral fins. For me they have always had a more Marlon Brando-style mug, with a heavy forehead, a round snout, and a small jaw.

These abundant game fish range from Nova Scotia to Uruguay, with some of their largest populations found in the Gulf of Mexico. Their spawning in Mississippi Sound runs from March to September, marking the best time of year to find them in the hot summer months.


Crevalle cats are so common in the Gulf that DMR does not maintain current limits on their catch by recreational anglers with a saltwater license in state waters south of I-10. Juvenile fish will have very Sheepshead-like stripes and a large eye relative to their body size and should be avoided. The typical cat found in Mississippi waters weighs between 10 and 15 pounds with occasional 20-pound ones. However, there are some oversized Jacks snooping around. The current state record is 48 lbs. 0.5 oz. fish caught in 1985 by Brian D. Pelton. The current fly record is a very respectable 28 pounds. 15.36 ounce fish caught during the summer of 2005 by Dwayne Armes. Both compare favorably with the IGFA world record, which as of 2010 stands at 66 lb 2 oz.

Tips and tricks

These boys are found in all coastal / near shore areas of the Mississippi Sound and it is not uncommon to find them fishing in Back Bay Biloxi moving into brackish waters. As such, you can find them near the structure, on reefs, and around ships and boats anchored in coastal ports. It is common for small boat and kayak anglers to catch them in the quick cuts and holes around the barrier islands.

These oversized branches like to travel in packs of ocean wolves that corner small groups of baitfish on the surface and incite a slaughter. This habit of Mr. Jack and his gang means that you can get good results drawing in a school of these competing creatures. Alternatively, be sure to take a pair of strong binos into the water with you and keep an eye out for commotion on the nearby surface, which will often lead you to the scene of these Jack attacks.

Fishing around shrimp and pogey boat activity in late summer brings good results for the Jacks, as does poking around in shallow reefs. Judging by their food sources, small minnows (especially pogey and mullet) and shrimp of any variety do well against these silver-bellied battle fish. As such, any shiny fast-moving bait, real or artificial, is almost certain to attract the attention of one or three.

When they strike, they do so with speed and power, producing some of the most enjoyable catches in near-shore waters. They often plummet to the seafloor when set and this causes those using puny hooks to drop Jack. Bent or broken hooks are common when encountered with these guys, so get your rigging choices right.

While these tough are caught and released by many, the meat is flavorful and can be grilled, fried, or baked. Be sure to bring your seasoning though, as they are usually a bit mild.

Better yet, if you have a lot of Jack steaks lying around, drop us a line and we’ll get them off your hands.

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