The convenience of single-cup coffee makers

The single cup coffee maker has many benefits. Maybe you’re the only coffee drinker in your house and you’re tired of pouring good coffee down the drain because you made too much. Maybe you like gourmet coffee, but don’t have the time or inclination to grind beans to fill a pot. Or maybe you want a convenient and easy way to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee at your desk.

If any of these are true, then a single-serve coffee maker may be perfect for you.

Most of these single serve coffee makers have a built in filter. Simply drop in a sealed cup or pod of your favorite coffee, press a button, and in less than a minute, you’ll have a freshly steaming cup of coffee.

You can use your favorite mug with most of these, and some come with an insulated travel mug. There are compact machines that will even let you choose between coffee and tea.

If you opt for a smaller version of the coffee maker, be sure to drink your coffee within 20 minutes, or it could turn bitter.

The single cup coffee maker is perfect for your office at work or your desk at home. You can have everything you need for a fresh cup of coffee right in your desk drawer, without having to stop for a quick dose of coffee. The best part is that they don’t make a mess and cleanup is a breeze. Any removable parts can be rinsed or thrown in the dishwasher.

Here are some of the favorites based on customer reviews.

o Melitta Single Cup – This sleek, modern-looking machine has earned the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. A metered tank allows you to brew up to five cups before needing to refill and comes in three color options. Use your own cup and have a hot cup of coffee in less than 60 seconds, or a cup of tea in about 35 seconds.

o Keurig – One of the most popular brands of single-serve coffee makers today, the Keurig offers an adjustable brew size – up to 11.25 ounces. Programmable features and a removable water reservoir add to the ease of use, and its silent brew and auto shut-off features add to its appeal. Starting at around $99, this is one of the more expensive single-cup coffee makers.

o Senseo – Another country favorite, the Senseo’s compact design lets you use your favorite mug, and the removable parts can go straight into the dishwasher. Brew four- or eight-ounce cups with an auto-off feature. Priced at around $70, this one-cup roaster is a great bargain.

o Black & Decker: The little Brew-n-Go filters freshly brewed coffee directly into a convenient travel mug. The auto power off feature will give you peace of mind. This small budget model is another customer favorite.

o Bialetti: This coffee machine allows you to prepare the perfect cup of espresso at home. Simply put your water and coffee in the specially designed pot and heat it on your stove. Starting at around $47, this little coffee maker gives you the option of brewing two cups or four.

o Bunn – The quick brew option in My Café not only brews your coffee quickly, but also allows you to brew anywhere from four to twelve ounce increments.

If you choose to use your single-cup coffee maker to brew tea, there are two ways to enjoy a steaming cup. One is to put the tea bag in the filter, where the coffee bag would normally go. Fill it with water, press the start button and let it sit. In just a few seconds, you will have a steaming cup of tea.

The other method is to run hot water through the machine and place the tea bag inside the cup. The hot water fills the cup, allowing the tea bag to steep as it normally would.

Either way, you’ll have a nice hot pleasure.

The only potential drawback to the single-cup coffee maker is the lack of variety in coffee options. If you prefer to experiment with various flavors and roasts, you may want more options with the one cup option. With these small coffee makers, you need to use the proper cup or pod designed for your machine.

On the other hand, many of the coffee pods available on the market are of the gourmet variety, allowing you to try some exotic blends and roasts without spending a fortune. The convenience of the packages makes them very easy to use. Simply throw it away when you’re done, with no loose or messy grounds to worry about.

The single cup coffee maker can also be a perfect addition to your kitchen for those times when you’re in a hurry but really need that pick-me-up you get from a fresh cup of coffee. You only need to be a minute late and then you’re ready to fly out the door, coffee in hand.

Units are small enough to barely take up any space, making them easy to store in a cabinet, desk, or cubicle. Add one to your “must have” list for your office, or put it on your birthday list. When you discover the convenience of the single-cup coffee maker, you’ll be glad you did.

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