Reshape Your Jawline With Botox

Jawline With Botox

Botox is an excellent option for anyone bothered by wrinkles like crow’s feet, frown lines, and the vertical and horizontal lines between the eyebrows. Injectables made of a neurotoxin, called botulinum toxin, relax the facial muscles that cause these lines, thus preventing them from contracting. Botox also helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines around the mouth and jawline.

In the hands of a qualified practitioner, masseter Botox Jawline injections are safe for almost everyone. The procedure is particularly suitable for younger people, as it eliminates dynamic wrinkles, those caused by repetitive muscle movement, and gives the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance.

While the treatment has a wide range of applications, reshaping the jawline is one of its most popular uses. Often, women’s jawlines become too prominent with age, leading to a masculine face shape. This can be due to overactive masseter muscles or a genetic predisposition. However, it is possible to slim down the jawline and give a more feminine, symmetrical appearance with masseter Botox injections.

Reshape Your Jawline With Botox

This is a quick, painless, and effective alternative to surgical options. Using a small amount of diluted Botox, we inject it into the masseter muscles on either side of the jaw to weaken them. This results in a reduction of the size of the masseter muscles and a slimmer, more defined jawline.

A well-qualified practitioner will administer the injections in a safe and controlled manner, ensuring that the correct muscles are affected. Unlike hyaluronic fillers that help with facial volumizing, masseter Botox injections must be administered deep into the muscle in order to have a desirable effect. A practitioner may use up to 50 units per side on average.

Masseter Botox does not change the underlying bone structure of the face, so it is important for patients to have realistic expectations. Moreover, it is not appropriate for those who have a medical history of neuromuscular disorders or allergies to Botox. It is also unadvisable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

As a result of the masseter Botox treatment, there are some minor side effects that should be expected, including bruising and swelling at the injection site. Patients can minimize these side effects by avoiding smoking or other stimulants before and after the procedure. In addition, some patients may experience drooling. Nonetheless, these side effects are temporary and usually disappear within a day or two. This is a good alternative to surgical treatments that require weeks of downtime and recovery.

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Category: Health Fitness