Everything you need to know about Lucy’s Law

The further we go, the crueler we become. The increase in atrocities committed against animals firmly establishes this fact. To combat animal atrocities, Lucy’s Law has been introduced. As a human being, we all have a responsibility to protect wildlife and make this planet a better place to live for everyone. Strong initiatives must be taken to stop any kind of atrocities on animals and since dogs are our favorite among all other animals, we must try to protect people from harming these faithful and cute little animals.

How can dog lovers support the initiative?

From the formulation of a law to its implementation, the entire process is not only complicated but also time consuming. As a dog lover, he just can’t wait until Lucy’s Law is recognized. There are few things you can do until Lucy’s Law gets your legal confirmation.

This highly cruel and barbaric business flourished because there are people who buy puppies from third party dealers. Be a responsible pet lover and stay away from buying dogs, consider adopting a puppy instead. And it might also encourage others not to go puppy shopping when they can easily adopt a dog from a foster home.

Continue the crusade against treating dogs like a commodity and a breeding machine on puppy farms using your personal connections, social media, and other popular channels.

Show your support for organizations that fight for dog rights and good causes. You don’t have to give them financial support, but you can at least show them your verbal support. Share your posts and like your pages and ask others to do the same.

Raise awareness and inform everyone around you about the atrocities suffered by dogs in puppy farms and try to generate social awareness. The more information people have, the more effective the campaign will be.

Lucy is a representative of thousands of dogs who suffer brutal torture, ruthless treatment and malicious treatment every day in a puppy house by a group of men who can lower themselves below a beast just for the sake of money. Raising your voice and showing your support is the best way to be a part of this movement. Just as Lucy was rescued and spent her last few years in the loving care of her owner, we want each dog to find a home where he can be treated with the utmost care, love and affection.

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