Are you still landing in the “Friend Zone”? This is probably the reason

When broken down, attracting women is pretty illogical. Most men approach the seduction process the wrong way. They think, “If I make her feel good with compliments and favors, she’ll like me and she’ll want to sleep with me.” But they don’t recognize what attracts women; instead, they are focusing on what makes women want to be friends with them. Unfortunately, this is exactly what lands most guys in the “friend zone.”

Remember, women are programmed to be attracted to the qualities of an alpha male. And while I feel like 25 paragraphs waiting to slip from my fingertips right now, I’ll stop and just talk about the one quality that pertains to this particular topic: and that is VALUE.

The high value male has women in his life and must earn their respect. He does not give a special favor to a woman who is physically attractive because she is a selector. He needs much more than a perfect body and a pretty face to win her affection. He considers everyone equal, and women must prove themselves before he likes them.

As we’ve discussed in other articles, this is the vibe you want to convey when approaching women. You have tons of girls in your life and you are curious to see what this particular girl has to offer you. You don’t care what happens, and frankly, she’s the one making the request.

Let’s say you were famous and everyone wanted to be your friend. How would you act if you were in a bar and approached a group of strangers? Would you approach them with a pleading tone in your voice, basically asking them to be your friend in a way that seeks their approval? No. You would walk like they liked you. And if you start talking to the pretty girl in the group, you might tease her and bust her a bit. You would do this because you are a field. You have nothing to lose, and you don’t care what happens.

We want to have this exact vibe when we approach women. We want to break the relationship, not seek to build it (not yet anyway). We want to go in there as a fun-loving guy whose respect has to be earned. We want to show that we’re not afraid of things going wrong, and that we’re great at teasing a girl and showing her that we don’t agree with her. We want to say things like, “You and I would never get along” and “You’re not cool if you don’t agree with me.” We want to show her that we have more value than her, and SHE is the one who has to play with US. This is called breaking up and is essential to building attraction.

As a disclaimer to all of this, many guys who haven’t received the proper education take this ROAD too far and come off as cocky or even arrogant. Getting the calibration right takes a bit of practice. And unless you intend to take a course that teaches this perfect calibration, be very aware of how you are perceived. Inevitably, you’ll have to piss off some people to strike that balance. It is what it is, we all go through it. But don’t have the blinders on. See what you’re doing wrong and recalibrate. You’ll be amazed what a few nights in the field will do for your calibration. Recently, my team and I launched a video series that teaches men how to limit rejection as much as humanly possible and how to turn girls who are friends into girlfriends. It is called one of the most effective seduction systems ever created. To check it out, click the link below.

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