Websites for CPAs and Accountants to Market Accounting Services Effectively

Having worked as a practice development consultant for the accounting industry for fifteen years, I have seen dramatic changes in the marketing of CPA accountants. The biggest change has been in the use of the Internet and websites.

Websites have become mandatory for all accounting firms to maintain an “up-to-date” professional image. If a CPA firm does not maintain a website, the public may have a parallel perception that the firm is not “up to date” in its understanding of business laws, rules and regulations. The Accountant could easily find himself in the embarrassing position of explaining to a potential client why he neglected to have a website. The CPA only gets one chance to make a first impression; it had better be a powerful “up-to-date” first impression.

In addition to the image, a CPA accountant must design the website to attract new external clients. Many websites today are designed primarily with a focus on accommodating existing customers. While this is important, it should not be the main focus of the CPA website. The website must be developed to attract a potential client and make them respond by contacting the CPA. In addition, the website must be designed to direct potential customers through Internet search engines to the site.

The Internet has become the modern interstate for the website. When the “Interstate” was built years ago, many companies decided not to move their businesses along the Interstate. As a consequence, many companies went bankrupt. The companies that relocated prospered. CPAs must move their marketing efforts to the Internet through their website. The accountant who does not do so can jeopardize the future of his company, while the companies that have a website will prosper and prosper.

As businesses relocated during Interstate construction, their position along the Interstate determined much of their future success. This is also true with Accountant websites. Where a CPA Accountant positions your business website will influence the future success of the business. CPA Accountants whose website is highly visible to internet traffic will see much higher growth than those who lack visibility or are hard to find. Similar to the Interstate, the Internet has very few high-visibility positions and many low-visibility positions. Consequently, it is extremely important to have a knowledgeable professional preparing a CPA accounting firm website who can develop it with high visibility.

In a major metropolitan city, there may be thousands of CPA accounting firms vying for a few valuable positions in a search engine that will provide high visibility. Imagine thousands of CPA firms vying for a front page listing. If the CPA Accountant firm is adopting a template that is common to many other template websites, your firm will never stand a chance. Your business should use a professional website builder who will not use a common website template. The professional must also provide individual attention to develop the CPA Accountant website using techniques and strategies independent of standard keyword phrases. Remember, if the CPA Accountant website developer is performing the same service for you that he or she is providing to the thousands of other CPA accounting firms vying for the few visible positions, your firm will not be successful. There are many website development companies available for accounting firms today, but the one company that stands out is “Infoworkz Solutions Group”.

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