Cut through the office clutter to be healthier!

Although you may not know it, the benefits of maintaining a clean and healthy work environment are almost too great to record. While extensive studies have been conducted to clearly demonstrate this advantage, one only has to give their computer monitor a quick brightness to feel an immediate effect. Consider the calm that washes over your mind and body after knocking down the endless chain of outdated post-it notes from your screen. A great monk once said that there is no greater zen than getting rid of a year’s worth of colored post-its.

… Very well, it is possible that a monk has never made this claim. Still, there’s simply no way around the health benefits that come from a clean office. These advantages tend to materialize in a couple of separate categories. Referring to this two-pronged system, many people seem to have a vague understanding of the mental advantage that can come from a clutter-free workspace. However, not many realize there are traceable physical benefits to be had as well. In any case, let’s take a closer look at how a hygienic office environment can play to your advantage.

Physical benefits of a clean workspace

Once flu season sets in in your neck of the woods, there may be no environment more dangerous than the white-collar workplace. With people constantly wiping their dirty little gloves over break room keyboards, phones, and appliances, the spread of germs can be fast and furious. Studies have recently shown that communal coffee break areas actually provide one of the most fertile environments for dangerous germs to flourish. Your favorite place to relax almost certainly harbors more harmful bacteria than any bathroom in the facility. In fact, the average desk is said to contain 100 times more bacteria than your own kitchen table.

With all of this in mind, it’s hard to underestimate the importance of antibacterial hand soaps and sanitizers. These products will go a long way in helping you stay healthy while your co-workers get caught by the sick old bug. Additionally, hiring a full cleaning force can be very advantageous in keeping workers on the job. By regularly disposing of all trash and polishing multiple surfaces, the right commercial cleaning service will drastically reduce the insidious germs that tend to lurk around your water cooler.

Don’t forget the mental advantages too!

It’s no secret that a cluttered desk can lead to a cluttered mind. As those endless piles of documents continue to grow, so can the stress levels you chronically exhibit. By simply taking a moment to sort out the clutter, you’ll not only save a lot of time searching through paperwork, but you could also be ensuring your sanity!

Clear out that messy work space today and you’re sure to taste whatever pleasure-causing endorphins your brain nodes excrete when they’re pleased. By keeping your workplace in an orderly condition, you’ll have more time for creative thinking and production. As your efficiency skyrockets, you may also begin to notice declining stress levels. Give your desktop a facelift and you will realize that this method cannot be considered quackery. Evidence is hard and fast folks!

By simply hiring an efficient commercial cleaning service, a business owner has already taken the first giant step in ensuring the health and well-being of their workforce. More and more wonderful services are emerging every day, designed specifically to keep your office spotless. They will keep your fixtures in tip-top condition, while also staying out of your hair.

Additionally, you and your co-workers must also play a collective role in ensuring the health and cleanliness of a given workspace. If that miniature cactus on your desk takes a nosedive, be sure to clean up the pile of dirt left in the wake. Also, take care of that rotten PB&J you left dead in the back of the break room fridge. In the words of his second grade teacher, we all need to pitch in!

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Category: Home Kitchen