Portable storage: how to partition a flash drive

A partition is something that divides or separates items into sections. The process of partitioning hard drives is done to divide the drive into smaller parts for storage. It can also be done as a means to run different operating systems on a single drive. A lesser known form of partitioning occurs on a flash drive. Partitioning a portable storage drive is done for the same reasons as a hard drive, but it cannot be completed without a specific program called BootIt.

It should be noted that you cannot partition a USB flash drive in Windows in times when the drive is considered to be removable media. This means that the best way to successfully partition the flash drive is by flipping its removable part. This will ensure that it reads as fixed media. As a result, you will be able to partition it like a normal hard drive.

online tools
Look online for a tool that can perform this task. There are a number of USB format tools available. Look for a portable tool that can be used with a variety of different brands. There’s no point spending money on an item that can only be used with one type of USB drive when there are plenty of universal options. The best tools will have the ability to format the flash drive and flip the removable bit. Other features of the high-quality tools include setting up a bootable partition and volume label. The device must be easy to use and operate with a single push of the button on the removable drill bit. This should set up the flash drive for use with a large number of different partitions. Remove and reconnect the drive to the computer system after the device has been used.

Start up
One of the most popular formatting tools available is BootIt. Download BootIt and install it. This will modify the drive and allow you to partition it. BootIt is designed to alter the structure of the flash drive. Take the drive and insert it into an available USB port. Press the removable tip button. This will ensure that Windows no longer recognizes your drive as a removable drive, but treats it as fixed instead. As with all other formatting tools, remove the flash drive before reinstalling it. Click ‘Start’ and ‘Run’ before typing ‘diskmgmt.msc’. This leads to the Disk Management option. You should see the flash drive on the screen. Right-click on your portable drive and choose ‘Delete Partition’. Right click once more and choose ‘New Partition’. Now it’s just a matter of following the instructions on the screen before creating a ‘Primary Partition’. Your flash drive should now be partitioned successfully.

Whether you are partitioning a hard drive or a USB flash drive, problems can occur. The most common is not having enough space to complete the process. Usually, this problem can be resolved simply by cleaning your files. For example, delete all unnecessary files and delete temporary files. These measures resolve USB space issues which are easy to deal with compared to hard drive issues.

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