Hypnosis: a safe treatment for panic attacks in children

It is heartbreaking to see a child suffer from panic attacks. The child may scream, cry, shake, pass out, vomit, or develop suicidal thoughts. The girl literally believes that she is going to die. When a parent witnesses such an episode, he feels powerless and scared. Unless he himself suffered such an attack, he may well think that his child is dying.

What triggers a panic attack?

A panic attack can be triggered by an ongoing humiliating situation, such as being bullied by a sadistic schoolmate, or by a traumatic event, such as divorce or the death of a loved one.

A sensitive, shy and self-conscious child can develop panic attacks for no apparent reason, just like a child with physical or mental problems. Unfortunately, some children develop panic attacks simply because it seems to run in families.

It is very likely that adults who suffer from panic attacks have also experienced them as children. The fear of being “different” can prevent a child from telling anyone about himself. The more often a child experiences these attacks, the more he fears the next. This same fear provokes the next attack and the next. Panic may appear first in a classroom, then in a grocery store, and then in a movie theater. Suddenly, the boy is afraid of all public buildings. This fear can become so pervasive that the child soon resists leaving his house or her room. These fears and anxieties can quickly escalate into a crippling and life-threatening disorder.

What are the symptoms of panic attacks?

  • Palpitations, palpitations, or fast heartbeat
  • Sweating, chills, or hot flashes
  • Uncontrollable shaking, numbness, or tingling sensations
  • Inability to breathe or feeling choked
  • Dry throat, resulting in suffocation.
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Nausea or abdominal pain
  • Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or weak
  • Feelings of unreality or detachment from the environment.
  • Fear of losing control, going crazy, or dying

A parent who has never experienced a panic attack may not recognize any of these symptoms for what they are. Too often, parents are dismissive of their children’s behavior. They may think it’s just another passing phase. Unfortunately, many health professionals misdiagnose that the child has ADD or ADHD. Once diagnosed, the doctor prescribes medications that have potentially dangerous side effects. We are all too familiar with the news of kids on Ritalin who brought guns to school with deadly consequences. In the United States, 3 to 5 percent of school-age children have been diagnosed with ADHD. This means that more than 2 million children are taking prescription drugs. In a classroom of 25 to 30 children, at least one child is heavily medicated. Is it any wonder that prescription drug abuse is on the rise in this country?

If a child has been correctly diagnosed with a mental illness, a combination of therapies, including medication, should be employed. But the diagnosis of ADD and ADHD remains controversial in the medical community. Aren’t children supposed to be energetic and eager? Most young children have a hard time sitting still for a few minutes. Isn’t there a fine line between “normal” youthful exuberance and uncontrollable behavior? Do parents and teachers really want to create Stepford kids who are polite, quiet little robots?

With a failing economy, sky-high unemployment rates, and no recovery in sight, it’s only natural for people to feel anxious and depressed. It is not surprising that people turn to drugs and alcohol to escape the miseries of life. But doesn’t it make more sense to strengthen ourselves from within, rather than relying on mind-numbing, mind-numbing drugs?

If panic attacks are primarily emotional in nature, why not explore non-lethal natural treatments before exposing a child’s developing brain to dangerous chemicals? Once a physiologic disorder is ruled out, a prudent parent is spoiled for choice.

Hypnosis: a natural treatment

There are many ways to help a child master his thoughts and emotions. Exercise, in the form of athletics, dance, taekwondo, or yoga, are great stress relievers. But life is full of stressful events, and children, just like adults, need to be armed with a coping tool. Self-hypnosis is a skill that will allow your child to live a normal life. Anxiety traps a person like a spider traps a fly in its web. Once trapped, it is difficult to disengage and regain freedom and control.

Although very young children cannot be hypnotized, by the time a child is eight or nine years old and able to concentrate for at least ten minutes, they should be hypnotizable. If the child is taking Ritalin or antidepressants, or has a very low IQ, then hypnosis is not an option.

Hypnosis is a scientifically proven and effective method of treating anxiety and panic attacks. A certified hypnotherapist is trained to teach self-hypnosis. If you give your child a CD, be sure to closely supervise each session. The CD will present specific instructions for the child to follow. In addition to a CD, ask the hypnotherapist to give you a script for panic attacks. It is very comforting for a child to hear the voice of his father or her mother reading the words of the script.

Since many people cannot afford the costs of a hypnotherapist and do not want to subject their shy child to a stranger in unfamiliar surroundings, there are hypnosis downloads, CDs, and scripts available online from renowned hypnotherapists.

Read the script to your child

Whichever way you get the script, I recommend that you follow these steps before reading it to your child.

  • Allow a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of uninterrupted time.
  • Make sure the room is quiet and there are no distractions or stimuli.
  • Disconnect all phones and dim the lights (if possible).
  • Have your child close their eyes and take five deep cleansing breaths.
  • Read the script in a slow, steady voice.
  • Repeat this routine several times a day.

If you can only hypnotize your child once a day, do it before he goes to bed. However, do not let your child fall asleep. You should always discuss the session with him afterwards. Ask him how he feels. If he has any questions. If he feels calm. Don’t ask him if he was hypnotized. This will put pressure on him to please you and he will develop anxiety about whether or not he was actually hypnotized. The label is not important. The results are. If your child seems calm and relaxed, then you know the hypnosis worked. By reading the script before bed, the words will enter your subconscious mind and keep working while you sleep.

In conclusion:

Emotional problems in children should not be ignored. Parents need to differentiate between expected and “normal” developmental stages of behavior and those that are aberrant. Irrational fears and phobias that interfere with the child’s daily activities should be suspected. It is critically important for parents to be proactive when a child suddenly avoids school, skips social activities, or complains of stomach aches every day before school. Seek the advice of a certified hypnotherapist and learn how to hypnotize your child. If this doesn’t work, have a doctor determine if the child has a mental illness. If that’s the case, the child may need a combination of treatments, including medication, family therapy, and hypnotherapy.

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