At what age should I start potty training?

Many parents can’t help but ask the question, “At what age should I start potty training?” Any expert will tell you that there is no easy answer to this exhausting question. While some experts say the average age for potty training is between 12 and 24 months, others say the average age for potty training is between 24 and 48 months. Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to simply let your child tell you when he is ready to be potty trained. Also, you can expect to see the sign of readiness between 12 and 48 months. Sure, this time frame can be a bit infuriating, but potty training can be a delicate task, so you’ll want to do it right.

Girls VS Boys

Deciding when to start potty training girls usually comes before a parent decides when to start potty training boys. In most cases, training a child requires more attention and will take more time. Potty readiness fluctuates greatly between the two genders, so if you have a son and a daughter, you can expect two very different types of toileting experiences. Furthermore, daughters will be more apt to imitate mothers, while sons will be more apt to imitate their fathers. Having more exposure to a mother than a father (or vice versa) will also influence your child’s readiness.

signs to look for

In general, there are signs you’ll want to look for to determine that it’s time for your child to use the potty. You’ll know when to start training girls when you notice her quickly chafing around her diaper. She asks to be changed frequently and quickly becomes uncomfortable when she sits in a mess. Likewise, you will know when to start potty training because many children will show an interest in “pottying like daddy.” Most children learn new tasks through imitation and imitation. For this reason, younger siblings are significantly more likely to be potty-trainers than their older brothers or sisters.

will come to you

Learning to use the potty can be a difficult task for both boys and girls. Another way to gauge when your child is ready to start using the potty is to pay attention to her development. You will need to take note of their cognitive, behavioral, mental, and emotional development before deciding if your son or daughter is ready for potty training. While this advice may infuriate many parents, try to keep in mind that you will “just know” when your child is ready to finally start potty training.

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