Today, ADD happiness to your life as you will optimize your natural immune power guaranteed


A positive attitude, strong social connections, and a good dose of laughter may be more important than drugs for optimal immunity…

In this article, I’ll discuss 3 benefits of human interaction to optimize your natural immune power that we can sometimes take for granted: friendships, intimacy, and humor.


Socializing is GREAT medicine!


Well, a recent study found that antisocial people have low immunity.

In fact, people who interact with three or fewer people at least once every 2 weeks are four times more likely to develop colds than those who interact with at least six people over the same period of time.

Social support from anyone…including but not limited to spouses, children, parents, friends and colleagues, will enhance your natural immune power. It’s not just the size of your social network that counts, but also the quality of those relationships.

High-quality friendships, regardless, are important for natural immune power and overall health, as those relationships can encourage good behaviors like eating, sleeping, exercising, and can dampen the stress response to negative events.

In short, social interaction is vital for optimal natural immune power.

The more friends you have, the stronger your natural immune power will be; That said, if you’re content with having a small number of close friends, you’ll likely reap the benefits of social connection.


A strong relationship with your partner, especially one filled with love, affection, and the occasional foreplay between the sheets, can positively affect your natural immune power.

… Couples in happy marriages have significantly higher levels of influenza (specific antibodies) than those in troubled marriages.

Research shows that a 15-minute conversation between couples about troublesome topics can cause sudden increases in blood pressure and heart rate, but will increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells.

Sexual relations in a loving relationship will have natural effects that improve immune power.

For example, couples who have sex once or twice a week have significantly higher levels of IgA (an antibody that protects you from harmful infections) than those who have sex less frequently.


Humor is a unifying force: it’s the glue that binds us together, lightens our loads, and helps us maintain a positive perspective on our problems.

… And humor is good for our overall health, helping to lower blood pressure and protect against heart health problems.

A recent study found that preschoolers laugh about 300 times a day; adults, only 17, on average.

So… Why don’t adults laugh more?

I mean, laughter has a real and measurable effect on natural immune power.

Because it releases a cascade of immune cells, including Natural Killer, B, and T cells, which fight infections and immune disorders. It also increases the production of gamma interferon, a germ-fighting protein, while also reducing the production of stress hormones.

In conclusion, a positive emotional style will enhance your natural immune power, while a negative emotional style can harm your natural immune power.

… Therefore, when you’re not happy, neither is your immune system.


Stay HAPPY my friend! – ‘smile’…

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