The role of ligamentous laxity in penile enlargement and its relationship with blood pressure

“Ligamentous laxity” is a term used to describe ligaments that become loose or stretched. This is a very important concept in the spine, as the ligaments help hold the vertebrae in place. Looseness of the ligaments compromises the integrity of the spine and means that it can be more easily injured during trauma. The same is true for other joints, such as the ankle and knee, as ligaments are used to keep the joints in the proper position. This proper positioning allows them to function as efficiently as possible.

If we explore natural penis enlargement, we find that one of the mechanisms to increase penile length is through stretching (or increasing laxity) of penile ligaments. While these ligaments don’t connect bone to bone, they do connect soft tissue to bone (but not in all cases). The best thing about this type of laxity is that we don’t have to worry about losing joint integrity, since the ligaments are not a bone-bone interface.

But by creating laxity in these penile ligaments (this is usually done by stretching the penis and the corresponding ligaments through specific exercises) we increase the length of the penis during the flaccid state, as well as the erect one. This is great, after all, because this is what we want to achieve.

What is happening now is that because the penis can be extended to greater lengths (due to the lengthening of these ligaments) we have also compromised this ligamentous structure (in the process) and affected an anatomical change in the penis. From a hemodynamic standpoint (blood flow and blood pressure, which is what creates an erection), we now need to be able to pump more blood to the penis to achieve a full erection at our new length. This means that the heart has to work a little harder to get blood and blood pressure to the penile cavities. It is a small change, but real. The arteries that feed the penis may increase in size during the enlargement process, but this is difficult to prove. If the same size arteries are responsible for powering a larger penis, there will be some compromises involved.

The next more logical question should be, “So…if I’m only encouraging the underside of my penis (the part trapped inside the pelvis) to extend to longer lengths, why should this be anything to consider?” ?”

Because now there is more penile tissue with more weight and volume outside the penis. Gravity has an effect on weight gain and more blood pressure is needed to counteract this extra weight to keep the penis erect. We’ve also changed the fulcrum of the erection, which puts more pressure on the penis’s ability to create an erection. In addition, you will need more blood pressure to compensate for the increased “looseness” of this newly created ligamentous state.

Under most circumstances, this is not a problem for a man who is in relatively good physical condition, especially from a cardiovascular standpoint. But please note that there will be some difference created by this form of enlargement process. Therefore, keep in mind that it is also important to exercise his heart and keep himself in good physical condition in general. It will also give your penis more stamina and strength when making love, so it’s definitely worth it.

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Category: Health Fitness