Slendertone Review – Does Slendertone System-Abs For Men Really Work?

Slendertone System-Abs for Men claims to give you “stronger, firmer abs in 4 weeks.” but does it really work? I tried the product for 6 weeks to find out and in this article I will give you my Slendertone review. In this review, I will describe how Slendertone works, the pros, cons, and my overall summary.


Slendertone System-Abs for Men is an electronic abdominal toning belt. It uses clinically proven Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) toning that sends signals between the pads on the belt. These signals activate the nerves that control the abdominal muscles to contract and relax. According to the packaging, EMS technology has been used in hospitals for more than 50 years to rehabilitate and strengthen patients’ muscles.


1) IT WORKS: After using the Slendertone System-Abs for Men for 6 weeks, I noticed that my abs were harder and stronger than before I started using the belt. So if you are looking for an alternative stomach toning exercise to crunches or crunches, Slendertone is definitely a viable option.

2) YOU CAN MULTI-TASK: Unlike traditional abdominal exercises where you have to focus all your efforts on performing the movements, Slendertone System-Abs for Men allows you to do other things at the same time. You can wear the belt while cooking, cleaning, watching TV, or doing other everyday tasks, making it a very useful tool if you don’t have time for a specific abdominal workout.


1) DON’T BURN BODY FAT: – To get six pack abs you need to do two things; Tone your abdominal muscles and burn enough body fat for these toned abs to be visible. Slendertone System-Abs for Men does the former but not the latter. So if you’re hoping to just buckle down for 6 weeks and have a ripped set of abs at the end, then you’re going to be disappointed. Even when you wear the belt, you still need to eat the right foods and exercise regularly so you can burn off excess body fat and reveal toned abs underneath.

2) IT IS EXPENSIVE: – There are currently several Slendertone belts on the market. Slendertone System-Abs for Men currently retails for £119.99, but even the cheapest model is £69.99. On top of this, the gel pads that come with the belt need to be replaced every 6 weeks at a cost of £11.99 per pack. So if you’re looking for budget exercise equipment, this belt is definitely not it.


Overall, Slendertone System-Abs for Men is a great alternative tool for strengthening and toning your abs. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, this is definitely a product worth considering. However, it is not a magical piece of kit. You still need to do the hard work and reduce your body fat levels.


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Category: Health Fitness