Primordial healing sounds heal the body, mind and spirit

you are what you perceive

All the primordial vibrations responsible for every aspect of physical and non-physical creation are located in the silence of one’s consciousness like a small seed that contains all the information it needs to produce a giant tree. This field of silence is not empty or chaotic, but organized, purposeful, and active. It is made of invisible blueprints that are perfect and flawless, translating into the building blocks of our physiology. It is here that the frequencies of the primordial impulses – the primordial sounds – take shape, where ‘the word becomes flesh’. Because the transformation of sound or vibration into form or matter begins at the level of our consciousness, we can learn to correct any malfunction in the body simply through intention golden wish.

We all ingest, metabolize and become everything we perceive inside and outside of ourselves. We literally become the thoughts we think, the emotions we evoke, the knowledge we understand, the sounds we hear, the shapes and colors we see, the air we breathe, just as we become the food we eat. Wherever your attention goes, the mother’s mental contact with her absorbs the essence of herself from her and makes her an integral part of your life.

Through the mere observation of the natural landscape, you create the same healing effect within yourself that it (the landscape) generates for all surrounding creatures. Looking at a sunset or a snow-capped mountain can have slightly different effects on each of us, but its overall influence is relaxing and calming. Conversely, figuratively speaking, you can become as cold and harsh as a concrete and steel jungle if you live in one or see one often enough. Studies conducted in American hospitals have revealed that patients who stay in rooms facing a natural landscape, such as a lake, trees, or mountains, recover much faster and require less medication than those who face the lifeless landscape of concrete buildings or who cannot look out the window at all. .

The vibrations emanating from sounds, words, colors, figures, or shapes are waves of various lengths and frequencies. They are basic to all organic and inorganic life forms and also have a profound influence on our lives. We merge with what we perceive through our mind, intellect, or sense perception. Waves not only play an important role in the world of physics, but are also the basic patterns of energy that make up our thought forms and feelings. They become part of us and form a new set of information in our consciousness, which in turn can reshape our destiny on all levels of life: physical, material, and spiritual. Sound waves have perhaps the most powerful effect on our well-being.

the world of sounds

All sound produces sound waves or disturbances in the air, which travel at about 332 meters per second. Through complex internal processes, we are able to pick up these sound waves through our ears and eventually perceive them in the cerebral cortex of our brain. Our brain is capable of receiving an enormous number of different types of sounds generated in our environment and, what is most intriguing, it can make sense of them. He knows how to differentiate all the numerous sounds and link them to our auditory memories. Some sounds are words, which we call language, others we call music, and again, others we think of as just noise.

Every sound our brain cells perceive stimulates them to produce neurotransmitters that subsequently translate these sounds into specific physiological responses in the body. For this reason, you may feel uplifted and joyful when listening to your favorite music, or you may become nervous and agitated when you hear the jarring noise of a machine or the scratch of a fingernail.

Some sounds affect different parts of the body more than others. Instrumental music, for example, stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain and its related left side of the body more than it stimulates the left hemisphere and its related right side of the body. If the voices are part of the music, then the whole body is stimulated. All cells in the body can “hear” these sounds because they have receptor sites for the same neuropeptides that the brain produces when it perceives a sound. This also means that the cells in our body are capable of producing the same chemical messengers as the brain and use them to communicate with each other through sound.

Our skin, for example, is a very suitable receptor for music. If the sound waves reach and touch the skin, which happens when you listen to music, the skin cells respond by secreting “pleasure hormones” and other chemicals that enhance immunity and vitality throughout the body, whenever the music is heard. adapt to your psychophysiological body. gentle. This fantastic ability of skin cells may be rooted in the fact that they are identical to brain cells, except that they die after a month, while brain cells can live up to a hundred years or more. Some people report a pleasant tingling sensation running through their skin while listening to music. Jarring noise, on the other hand, can make your skin tingle and your hair stand on end. In that case, your skin cells produce stress hormones.

There is now ample evidence that all 60-100 trillion cells in the body hear and respond to all sounds we perceive (that includes cells from a fetus carried in a mother’s womb). Harmonious and coherent sounds make you feel healthy and alive. For this reason, music has played a preponderant role in all the cultures of the world, throughout time. Each culture has developed its own particular type of music to suit the specific requirements of the various geographic and climatic conditions of each area.

Music is not only a fundamental need of every culture, but also a physiological one. In the healthcare field, music has been found to reduce recovery time after surgery and strengthen a patient’s ability to fight infection. It is found that patients need less pain medication, tranquilizers and sleeping pills when listening to their favorite music. A large number of American hospitals already use music for therapeutic purposes. There is music that can reduce appetite, lower blood pressure, or induce sleep.

Of course, not all music triggers a healing response. There is a musical frequency for everything that exists, even to cause disease. If you listen to hard rock music regularly, your lymphocytes start to decrease, making you more prone to infections. Low-pitched sounds can make you feel sad and depressed. For this reason, funeral music uses low-pitched sounds. On the other hand, high-pitched sounds can make you feel happy and enthusiastic.

Again, as with any other external influence, responses vary by body type. if you are a vata unbalanced (impatience, anxiety), then slow, low-pitched music may benefit you more than fast, high-pitched music because it reduces hyperactivity and nervousness. a lethargic Kafa The guy, on the other hand, can work on lively, high-pitched sounds to jump-start your circulation and metabolic rate. A fast rhythm is likely to increase your heartbeat and an irregular rhythm can cause an irregular heartbeat and even lead to cardiac arrhythmia as seen in the cases of some pop singers.

The body – A symphony orchestra

Medical research has revealed that each organ in the body creates a specific sound that can be amplified by highly sophisticated measurement devices. The liver, for example, produces a certain sound when it is healthy. If the liver gets sick, it produces a distorted sound. If you play the recorded healthy sound back to the liver, health can be restored. Sounds from the liver are different from sounds generated by the heart, spleen, lungs, or any other part of the body.

All the various types of cells produce their own characteristic sounds. Their specific electrical transmissions differ from one another by the frequencies they produce.

For a baby, measurable frequencies range from 1,520,000 to 9,460,000 Hz (cycles per second). The low end of this fairly high human frequency overlaps the radio frequency range of AM radio transmissions, which range from 540,000 to 1,600,000 Hz; FM is 88,000,000 to 108,000,000 Hz, out of human reach, which means we can’t hear these sounds, at least not consciously.

Taken together, a healthy body ‘sounds’ like a huge symphony orchestra with millions of different musical instruments. All disease processes begin with a distortion of these sounds and can lead to almost complete loss of synchrony, as in the case of cancer or AIDS. Can you imagine a symphony orchestra with millions of out of tune instruments? What is needed are some master musicians and a director who can direct and coordinate all the other musicians.

Name and form relationship

There are various ‘master sounds’ that control the major functions of the body’s organs and systems, others control the tissues, and others are in charge of the energy centers of the body. These sounds are identical to the basic vibrational frequencies that the various parts of the body produce when they are in perfect balance. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, is one of the ancient sciences that knows the therapeutic value of such primordial sounds.

Brain research has shown that thinking about an object like an apple or an elephant and actually seeing it creates the same chemical changes and brain wave patterns. In other words, whether you think of an elephant or actually see one makes no difference to the corresponding biochemical changes in your body. All material objects have their basis in non-material vibrations, that is, sounds; and in truth, both types are inseparably one. In the not too distant future we will be able to make use of this intimate relationship between name (or sound) and shape and spontaneously materialize an object such as an apple, an elephant or even a diamond if necessary. Today’s miracle will be tomorrow’s reality.

The situation is similar with Primordial Sounds. By using these sounds, you can restore the original forms and functions of tissues, organs and systems. Regular use of sounds can promote deep healing in body, mind and spirit because they are projected from our own pure consciousness or Higher Self. The sounds become the channels or energy rays of our Higher Self and are used to carry out their assigned duties and responsibilities. Its regular use not only induces specific healing responses, but also stabilizes pure awareness and makes it increasingly available in daily life.

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