Military Simulation Combat Paintball – As Real As It Gets

Games set up like real-life military missions offer the chance to lose yourself in the setting; forgetting that you are only playing paintball, the adrenaline is much higher and the game is much more fun. However, tactical scenario paintball will only allow for full immersion if your gear is as realistic as possible. When shopping for the best gear, you can choose how authentic you want to be by choosing paintball guns that are real replicas of real rifles, camouflage gear, and high-tech accessories. Depending on how far you’re willing to push the envelope (and how much you’re willing to spend), you can appear on the battlefield as a special ops paintball ninja equipped with the latest weapons and accessories for an experience you’ll enjoy. never forget!

When it comes to paintball gear, there are many items you will need and want, but the main piece is your marker. For full immersion in the world of the paintball scenario, choose a paintball marker that is a realistic replica of a rifle or machine gun used in actual combat. Fortunately, there are tons to choose from, allowing you to cater to not only your sense of style but also the position you play on the pitch. If you prefer the fast-paced melee action seen on the front lines, choose a compact paintball machine gun for speed and mobility. If you prefer to pick your shots from a safer distance, sniper paintball rifles are fun to shoot and much more accurate if you like a stealthy advantage. If you want to keep your options open, try a replica M4 Carbine equipped with the best accessories to roam the field and be effective at both close and long range.

Perhaps the most realistic tactical paintball guns on the market recently are magazine fed. Instead of the traditional hopper that sits awkwardly on top of the gun, magazine-fed paintball markers use functional magazines just like real rifles. While these guns behave almost exactly like the real thing, there is a tradeoff for carrying less ammo; most paintball gun magazines hold no more than 20 balls. Another fun aspect of using tactical paintball guns is their ability to accept real gun parts and accessories. Most tactical markers have mil-spec rails that are compatible with any scope, sight, laser, grips, or carry handles that will work with any real firearm. This customization is totally fun as there are so many accessories available to provide virtually unlimited options that you can transform your marker into. These accessories not only make your tactical paint gun look good, they can also improve aiming and accuracy for better results in the field.

Apart from a paintball gun, a hopper and an air tank, there is only one more piece of equipment that is mandatory to play, a protective mask. Masks are the only mandatory paintball protective gear required to keep the game safe. While getting hit by a high-velocity paintball anywhere on the body isn’t dangerous, it can cause permanent blindness if one hits the eye, so goggles are a must-have piece of equipment no matter what type of game you play. Since you have to have one, you might as well pick up a paintball goggle that will enhance your tactical outfit while you’re at it. There are many styles and colors to choose from, including army colors and camo patterns to match the rest of your realistic gear. Choose a paintball goggle that will not only give you a fierce tactical look, but will also perform well. The best paintball goggles have anti-fog lenses and plenty of ventilation so you don’t overheat and don’t muffle your voice when giving orders to your team. For the best look, choose dark glasses and be sure to choose a goggle that will fit under a paintball helmet.

After your gun and goggles, choose a tactical outfit that pulls it all together for a cohesive look. Camouflage clothing can be purchased at a military surplus store, however best equipped for your sport at a paintball supply store that sells woodsball gear. There are several brands of paintball shirts and pants made specifically for this type of game; this style of clothing is your best bet because they have pockets designed to carry specific pieces of paintball gear. They’re also made with features to directly address common gaming actions, such as extra padding over the knees and hips to offer more protection when crawling or sliding. When choosing a camouflage outfit, it’s best to try and match the color pattern to the specific environment you’ll be playing in whenever possible to make the most of any invisibility they might offer.

If you want to look (and play) like a spec ops paintball ninja, pay attention to the details. For a complete costume, covering your hands and feet with cool matching accessories is the way to go. Paintball gloves will not only offer more protection for your hands from chafing in the woods, but also prevent your hand from getting stung by a paintball. Camouflage tactical gloves are a nice addition to your matching scenario paintball uniform and also improve your grip when holding your gun or other gear to prevent dropping and losing valuables. Gloves come in several styles, including full fingers, two fingers, or no fingers, depending on how free you want your fingers to be on the trigger. You can wear any type of shoe for the woodsball scenario, but the best type of paintball shoe for this game is combat boots. Tall combat boots will not only give you a realistic soldier look, but they are also great for providing a lot of support when running through the bush and rough terrain common in this game.

One of the best additions to any realistic stage outfit is a tactical vest. These garments come in all the typical military colors, including various camouflage patterns to exactly match their underlying BDUs. Tactical paintball vests not only give you a proud look but also offer plenty of pockets to carry tons of gear in a very balanced way. If using a magazine fed paintball marker, a vest with pouches to carry extra magazines is essential. Tactical vests can be customized with pouches to fit whatever type of gear you need to be effective at the particular position you play on the field. Vests are the best way to pack tons of extra ammo for extended play and still be able to run around and be active without feeling unbalanced from all the extra weight. Customize your vest with pockets to carry your paintball air tank, grenades, extra parts for your weapon, or even supplies for your teammates.

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