Let him know you’re not ready for love

How do you tell him that the relationship is just not going anywhere? No matter what you do and even if you try hard enough, you’re just not ready for love. There is no other way to put it gently. But do you really want to leave everything behind? They both have a history and maybe, just maybe, they could both work it out.

But doing that would be unfair to her, wouldn’t it?

You know there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. You just need space and time to find yourself first. You need to be whole again before you can give him a piece of your heart. According to the renowned writer Paolo Coelho, telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile. The longer you prolong the relationship, the more you will prolong his pain. Just because you’re afraid of breaking his heart doesn’t give you permission to lie to him.

Release her from the bread.

Whatever you do, the result will remain the same. Choose to be true to yourself. The next time you start a relationship, make sure you are prepared for all its consequences. Love involves two people who cultivate the feeling. If one cannot function and reciprocate love, the connection between the two will be lost. The sad thing is that you will never prevent someone from getting hurt. It is the consequence of loving.

Don’t add more weight to your shoulders.

Why are you too hard on yourself? If you can’t give love, let it go. Don’t make things complicated. You will hurt her in the process of your breakup, but you are also giving her a reason to leave you so she can find someone more deserving of her. She admits it’s your fault, but don’t blame yourself. Love is a feeling full of complex things. It is natural to feel that you are not prepared for the inevitable.

Being in a relationship will require your utmost dedication and passion. And if you’re not ready, it would be like going to war with no weapon at hand, there’s a 100% chance you’ll get killed in the process. Prepare yourself and find out if you are ready before you go inside.

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