Introduction to social bookmarking

Marketing a website can be quite difficult and expensive. As technology and the Internet advance, new forms of marketing emerge. The last one, which I will coin, is bookmarketing.

Social bookmarking allows users to submit the URL of a website to their list. The website URL can be seen on your website and you will start getting traffic almost immediately. There are many different social bookmarking websites, from, which is mostly related to articles, to, which is pure URL. Submitting multiple times and extensions of the same URL to these websites can be considered spam, but a single submission is fine.

To maximize book marketing, post a link on each of your pages to increase bookmarks. This makes it much easier for your visitors to bookmark your site on numerous social websites. The most popular social bookmarking sites are, myweb,, and Instead of manually linking to each social bookmarking site, allows you to place a small piece of code on your website, which automatically creates links to many bookmarking sites.

Our tests have shown that significant traffic can come from social bookmarking sites, namely and In fact, our test site went from 220 unique visitors per day to over 350.

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