How to avoid the risks of a tie

Ties are commonly worn as part of men’s dress code, from everyday office casual wear to formal corporate business appeal. Probably not all men are comfortable wearing them. However, many, including men, may not be aware of the potential tie-induced problems and accidents. Ties, when worn correctly, will significantly reduce the chance of developing them.

Here are some simple guidelines to avoid unnecessary trouble when wearing ties:

When wearing a tie, avoid making unnecessary movements where you risk catching the tie. These are probable causes of physical injury and even death. For example, near elevators or escalators.

Avoid tying your tie too tight. Not only is this very uncomfortable for the wearer, but would you know that doing so is related to some serious health-related issues?

For example, if you are seeing an ophthalmologist for an exam, make sure you have a loose, comfortable tie. A tight tie can temporarily increase intraocular pressure and produce false readings, making your exam results dangerously inaccurate. Remember, your doctor’s diagnosis, advice, prescription, and recommendation will be based primarily on the results of your exam.

There is also research suggesting a link between tight ties and increased risk of glaucoma. Tight ties can constrict the veins in the neck area, which can lead to increased blood pressure in the eyes. This, in turn, increases the risk of glaucoma, one of the leading eye problems and cause of blindness in the US Increased blood pressure in the eyes results in various eye problems, including irrevocable damage to the delicate eye nerves that can cause blindness.

But how would you know if your tie is too tight? A tight tie is obviously uncomfortable, but it doesn’t necessarily have to constrict your neck and interfere with your breathing. I guess no boy would get like that anyway.

So how can you tell if you’re wearing it tight? You just can’t tell at a glance. A good way to tell is to slide your finger between the knot and the neck of the tie. If you’re having a hard time doing that, it’s time to loosen it up. You just confirmed that your tie is too tight.

If you are in a hospital or in areas with medical facilities such as clinics or even outdoor medical missions, it is good practice to avoid any physical contact with your doctor’s tie. It looks like a harmless garment and it certainly looks good with your doctor’s uniform. However, there is a strong possibility that the tie itself is likely breeding ground for bacteria. A doctor’s tie is a good carrier for disease-causing bacteria.

It’s obvious how pathogens got into your tie, obviously from the nature of your job and workplace. He and his tie probably got in touch with many patients during the day, and from one hospital room or department to another. And many doctors are not in the habit of changing ties from time to time, especially if it still looks clean. However, germs are microscopic. They are invisible to the naked eye.

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