Enter Google Fast and Free

How can you get your new site on Google fast?

When you create a new website for your home business, that’s exactly what you want, right? So that search engines find you… fast.

Fact: Google prefers its spiders (a spider is a computer robot that roams the Internet) to search for new sites rather than website owners using the “submit a site” page.

So the easiest way to get your new site found is to make sure it appears on one of the sites that Google frequently visits. My own site at eprofitnews.com/blog gets about 5 hits from Google spiders every hour. The spiders from the other search engines visit less frequently, but still many times a day.

So how can you get your site listed on one of these popular sites?

There are at least two ways:

1. Post a free classified ad on one of the popular ad sites.

2. Create a blog at blogger.com and link it to your new website.

Let’s talk about the first one in this article.

When it comes to free classifieds sites, the leader of the pack is Craigslist. Apparently this site gets more traffic than Google Canada. So place an ad there (especially in the San Francisco Bay Area section) and you’ll be accepted quickly. And it’s free.

Not sure which category for your ad? Go to the Small Business section. Write a fact-based ad instead of a banner ad, because your goal is to get search engines to index your site instead of making a sale. Craigslist moderators can remove an overblown ad.

azfamily.com/PR5 qualifiers

backpage.com/classifieds/index PR6

freeclassifieds.com PR4

sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc PR6

epage.com PR5


recycle.com PR6

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Category: Business