Building a panel house: pros and cons of building with panel walls

Paneled frame walls can be a blessing. Or, they can be a pain in the butt. With a little thought and planning, you can be sure to experience the benefits.


Most home builders use some form of panelization. On-site framers in a “stick-built” home, typically build the framing in panels and angle them up and into place. But, that’s not what I’m talking about. IN panelized house is where a factory pre-builds these panels, in various lengths, and delivers them to the job site.


Will pre-paneled walls work for you?


If you are an owner-builder getting involved in some work and looking for labor cost savings, panelization may be ideal for you. If, on the other hand, you intend to hire a team of experienced professionals to frame a complicated home structure, you should probably avoid pre-paneling unless the framers prefer and request it.


The following pros and cons will help you decide whether or not to use them, as well as help ensure quality if you do.


PRO: Speed. A well-paneled home that on-site framers are prepared to work with, can allow the home to be framed in as little as one-third the normal framing time. The benefit is money saved.


CON: Shipping and handling. Panels need to be shipped to your site…sometimes from great distances. This can be expensive and cause damage during shipping. Also, panels can be difficult to store, move around the site, and then put into place, especially in two-story homes.


PRO: Lots of panel options. Traditional 2×4 and 2×6 wood studs are popular, but you can also choose steel framing studs, SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels), and other types.


WITH: Dealing with Problems. Rarely is a paneled framework package bug free. These mistakes will drive an experienced framing crew crazy if they were not in favor of using pre-cast panels. And getting panel manufacturers to fix their mistakes quickly can be quite a chore.


PRO: Quality and consistency. Panels are manufactured in controlled environments to exact specifications, typically using the highest quality materials. They often incorporate better and more consistent framing practices than many site-built homes. These advantages can give you a home that is stronger against nature and a more square home that makes it easier to fit cabinets and doors, and lay tile and wood floors.


CON: Difficult to guarantee quality. While the above advantages are extremely valuable, it is difficult to ensure that you will receive what is promised. He may need experienced professionals to help analyze his framing methods, as well as inspect what is delivered to him.


PRO: Reduced waste on site. Panelizing can be a green building approach. Limiting waste and/or using structural insulation panels gives you that advantage.


AGAINST: Panelized houses are not always kits. Simply ordering a frame pack with panels is not going to expedite your the whole process of building the house. If that’s what you want, use a home kit. Kit houses often panelize their walls, but panel factories do not always provide complete kits. Make sure you know what you are ordering.


you have options


As you can see, you have options. But it’s worth remembering that you also have the option of No use pre-paneled frame walls. The advantages may be negligible or even non-existent in your situation.


My advice is to honestly assess your situation and your goals. Keep researching your options. Hire a home building coach to help you decide. Then go in the direction that best suits your needs.

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