Book Review: A Poor Procrastinator’s Journey To A Reversed Millennium By Jeremy Kho

f you’re looking to learn how to achieve financial success, Jeremy Kho has put together a book on independence just for you. “The Journey from Poor Procrastinator to Invested Millennial” will teach you the basics of how you should manage your finances and spark your curiosity to learn more. However, the book is not limited to this topic, it can also help motivate you to overcome your general state of procrastination.

Do not be afraid that the information presented is too technical for you, it is far from it. With a friendly tone, Jeremy Kho takes you on a journey of self-discovery. He uses lots of colorful examples to make the economic part more accessible. There are many stories with realistic characters throughout the book that contain remarkable morals. You might even recognize yourself in one or more of these.

As stated in the title, “A Poor Procrastinator’s Journey to an Inverted Millennial,” the goal is to help you evolve from a procrastinator to an inverted person. While millennials are the target audience, this isn’t the only generation that could find use for the book. So, that this is not an impediment to read it. However, the tendency of millennials to procrastinate financially is further investigated. The author identifies three main reasons: fear of the unknown, difficulty in understanding, and the tendency to avoid. With his help, you will be able to better understand each of these reasons and learn to overcome them. Financial procrastination has a snowball effect, the longer you put off direct action, the greater the impact it will have on your future.

The goal is identified as becoming an invested millennial. When examining the specific characteristics of this generation, an ideal representative is outlined, especially from the financial point of view. There are four traits that Jeremy Kho focuses on: having clear goals in life, valuing and investing in oneself, achieving financial freedom, and contributing to society. Each of these will be presented in detail and made accessible to those who have not yet reached them.

As mentioned above, the target audience is aimed at millennials, the book presents a personalized analysis on the management of personal finances of this generation. However, the fact is that anyone can benefit on many different levels from reading it, regardless of what generation they belong to. “A poor procrastinator’s journey to a reversed millennial” cannot be done alone, the people around you play a crucial role. However, it is only up to you to start this journey and choose your companions along the way.

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