10 things you didn’t know about laser hair removal

If you’re fed up with constantly shaving or plucking to get rid of unwanted facial or body hair, then you may have already thought about laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is the most permanent of all currently available treatments and more effective than shaving or waxing. Electrolysis is still in use, but since each hair must be treated individually, it can be a painful hair removal method and can sometimes cause scarring.

If you haven’t thought about laser hair removal yet, or thought it sounded too daunting, these 10 tips will give you the information you need.

1) Laser hair removal is not suitable for all skin and hair types. The best results can be found in people with fair skin and thick dark hair. This hair removal procedure targets pigmented tissue and does not work well on red, white, blonde, or gray hair.

2) The most common areas for laser hair removal are the lips, arms and underarms, legs, bikini line, legs, chest and back. Laser hair removal takes longer and is more expensive for larger areas of the body than it is for smaller areas.

3) Depending on the area and color of the skin and hair, it usually takes 6-8 sessions of laser hair removal to completely remove unwanted hair.

4) Laser hair removal has very few side effects. The most common is that the treated area may be a little sore and swollen between a few minutes and a few hours. In some cases, the skin may darken or lighten. Effects such as blisters or scars or changes in skin texture due to laser hair removal are very rare. Side effects caused by incorrect technique or incorrect settings can be reduced by ensuring that the clinic you use for your laser hair removal treatment is registered and approved by the Health Care Commission.

5) Be sure to do some research before you make an appointment. Find the most qualified and experienced laser hair removal professional and make sure the clinic is regulated. The cheapest clinic may not provide the best results or be regulated. Laser hair removal clinics are often advertised in fashion and lifestyle magazines, so you may be able to get an idea of ​​what to expect before visiting one.

6) Expect a thorough consultation from the laser hair removal specialist doctor which should last between 30-45 minutes and will cover your medical history and a test patch may be tried to see how you respond to laser hair removal.

7) Before your laser hair removal treatment, you should make sure you follow your doctor’s advice. This advice will suggest such things as avoiding tanning beds, sunbathing and fake tanning and not bleaching or waxing the area to be treated for several weeks before treatment. Your laser hair removal doctor can also provide you with other tips and information to consider before your laser hair removal treatment.

8) Laser hair removal works by passing a laser beam through the skin to the hair follicles where hair growth begins. The heat from the laser damages the follicle and stops hair growth. There is often a cooling device installed on the laser device to cool the skin. It usually takes several treatments to remove all of the unwanted hair, as hair goes through various stages of growth. Laser hair removal treatment lasts approximately 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the area to be treated.

9) During laser hair removal, the area is thoroughly cleaned and then the treatment begins. Most patients report very little discomfort or pain thanks to the cooling device installed in the laser. Immediately after treatment, additional cooling and moisturizer are applied to the skin.

10) Laser hair removal is fast and after treatment you can apply makeup immediately, but perfumed products, steam baths and saunas should not be used for a day, as they may cause irritation. Exposure to the sun or sun loungers should also be avoided for several weeks. You may see a hair grow several days after treatment; this is the dead hair that comes out naturally. This can happen over several days, depending on the size of the area that has received laser hair removal treatment.

Because laser hair removal is so quick and has so few side effects, it’s even possible to do the treatment at lunchtime! Get rid of unwanted hair today!

Total Fitness laser hair removal clinics are registered and approved by the Health Commission. Our highly trained team uses the latest alexandrite laser technology and will advise you on what kind of results to expect. Take advantage of a free consultation and trial patch today, you don’t even need to be a Total Fitness member.

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