10 essential safety rules for children

All parents want to keep children safe. But, as children get older, you can’t be with them all the time. Children need their freedom in order to learn and grow. While you can’t keep an eye on your kids 24/7, you can teach them rules to follow that will help keep them safe. Here are ten basic safety rules that children should learn at a young age.

1. Remember your address and phone number

If children memorize their parents’ home address and phone number, they can share that information with someone in an emergency. Children of any age can wander and get lost. Therefore, the sooner they have this information memorized, the better.

2. Don’t walk away on your own

Very young children need to have strict limits. They shouldn’t go off alone at all. As they get older, this rule can change to not going anywhere without telling an adult. If a small child needs to go somewhere, he must be accompanied by an adult.

3. Don’t talk to strangers

This is a basic rule that all children should learn. Don’t talk to strangers, don’t get in a stranger’s car, and don’t accept any gifts from strangers.

4. If you get lost, stay where you are

If children become separated from their parents, the best thing they can do is stay where they are. That will make it easier for the parents to find the child again. The most common places where children get lost are stores. In this case, kids need to understand that it’s okay to get help from a store clerk or a mom with kids.

5. Do not play with fire

Children are curious by nature, but it is important that they learn that playing with fire is not allowed. Matches, cigarette lighters and flammable materials must be kept out of the reach of children. Even if you do that at home, kids still need to learn how dangerous it is to play with fire.

6. Don’t jump any fences

Children need to be taught that fences are there for a reason. If they are playing catch and the ball goes over a fence, they should ask an adult to retrieve it. Climbing fences can be dangerous. What is on the other side of the fence can also be dangerous.

7. Nobody can touch you

You can teach children at an early age that secret playing is not allowed. This doesn’t need to be too descriptive or scary. It can be a simple rule that adults can’t touch children’s body. Children should also understand that it is okay to tell their parents if an adult does something inappropriate.

8. Know what 911 is for

Children should be taught how to dial 911 in an emergency. However, they should also be taught that 911 should only be used for real emergencies. There have been many cases where young children who were taught to use 911 have saved the life of an adult.

9. Don’t put any personal information online

Very young children should be supervised when connected to the Internet. Older children should be taught not to put any personal information online and never agree to meet in person with anyone they have met online.

10. Trust your gut

If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Even if your friends are doing it. Children have gut feelings when something is wrong. They should be taught that it is okay to say no if they feel uncomfortable about something.

You can start teaching children basic safety rules as early as three years old. In addition to these rules, it is also important to teach children that they can always talk to you. Encourage open communication and honesty. It is important for a child to know that she can always talk to her parents if something is bothering them.

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