Racquetball: what not to do in the game

Since its invention in the 1950s as an indoor sport, racquetball has had advocates and enthusiasts who have contributed a lot to its tradition, popularity, the refinement of its rules, and many other things.

Over the years, a sort of compilation also emerged on the many points to consider during racquetball games.

For beginners, this list can serve as a guide to play and enjoy the game. For professionals, it can serve as a reminder and to unlearn some traits acquired over the years. This list had been compiled over the years when racquetball had metamorphosed into how popular it is today.

The list of dos and don’ts

Don’t move backwards while swinging. Take a step forward (to lower your body’s focus of gravity) and use your legs to pull on your hips, turning them. If the ball is moving backwards, go far ahead (at least one step) so you have time and space to advance to your setup position.

Don’t start your forward swing with just your hands and arms. (They won’t have much power).

Don’t keep a straight knee when bending your knees. You need to fold both of them, or it will just tilt.

Don’t move your hips and shoulders in a straight line. You should both rotate in a circular motion (start with your hips first before your shoulders).

Don’t keep any tension in your arms. They should be loose and loose.

Don’t force the use of more muscles if you are not hitting the ball hard enough. Instead, analyze your swing and check where the kinetic link lost its power and did not reach your arms and wrist joints.

You should not lose balance after your swing. If this happens, step back and review your sequence of movements.

Don’t get up during your swing. It will make the ball rise to make it easier for your opponent to set up. Instead, keep your knees bent throughout the swing until you hit the ball. You do this unconsciously, so stay alert and alarmed that your shots don’t stay low.

Don’t look up at the front wall on your swing. Stand parallel to the correct side wall if you are forehand. For the reverse, the stomach 45 degrees from the side wall.

Don’t forget to raise your elbow to shoulder height. (Most players always forget this).

Do not move the non-striking arm in the opposite direction from the striking arm. The two should go more in the same direction.

Do not turn both feet together. The front foot pivot is for rolling the hips and the rear foot pivot is for unwinding the hips.

Do not lift the racket to swing at the eleventh hour. Always use ERP (Early Racket Preparation).

Don’t get too close to the ball. There will be a tendency to cut the ball. Don’t cut the ball. Swing parallel to the ground.

Don’t hit the ball if it’s still there to support you. Run back and hit him only when he’s level with your front (or front) foot.

And finally, don’t just read all of these. You have to move around and play racquetball like you were originally supposed to do.

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Category: Health Fitness