Motivate yourself to get out of bed in the morning

For some reason, sleeping seems easier and sweeter when it comes to waking up. You feel like turning around and closing your eyes, Ahh, if that were possible! However, try

. Startsmall ing. Open your eyes. Take off your pajama bottoms. Then get into a sitting position and put on your slippers. This process should take less than a minute. You have overcome the hardest part!

Extension Begin to stretch your arms. Then move on to stretching your legs. Just don’t go overboard with stretching your legs because you will get muscle cramps.

Visualizing. How will your day go? Do you know what you will wear? Appointment? Eat for lunch? Are you waiting for an activity?

Exercising Start over small. One seated, one elegant. Put on music and dance or listen to a talk show. I remember waiting and listening to Howard Stern every morning. It was obscene and funny. Which brings me to the next tip /

Tuning in to a favorite talk show. I always looked forward to hearing Howard Stern’s show, I laughed at his jokes. My only problem was tuning in when I had guests. Like one of my aunts. By chance he overheard Howard Stern’s comments. that horrified her, How dare you hear that? She asked. With all due respect, I need to laugh and feel awake. It’s how I start my day

Playing games. Take time to bathe, shower, or comb your hair. Make it a game. Suppose you only have ten minutes or less to finish. Five minutes? How long would it take to do this if I was late? I get it. You don’t even want to think about being late. But it happens, and panic is not the answer. Just remember how long each task takes to do. Use a shortcut or two if necessary to speed things up. Consider skipping a few things just to save time. Could you still do it? What could I skip if I had to? For now, all of this is setting you up for that dreaded moment.

Get more sleep by going to bed earlier.: like an hour or two before, you won’t feel like sleeping. You will probably go round and round during that time. After all, going to bed earlier is a learned habit. It may take a few days to acclimate, but trust me, it works. You will sleep more and find that getting up in the morning is not so bad … or difficult, and you will also be healthier.

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