Equipment necessary for livestock

Raising livestock requires a wide variety of equipment, from cattle cages to water troughs. Here is a list of basic equipment, with a brief explanation of what each item is and why it is so important.

1. Cattle Crates/Crushes

Livestock crates, or cattle crates as they are sometimes called, are cages used to hold livestock for examination, branding, or treatment. These days they are generally constructed of steel and are available in a variety of sizes and with a wide range of accessories. The main purpose of the cattle cage is to ensure the safety of both the animal and the person handling it, with the minimum of stress.

2. Breed of cattle

The cattle crush is usually fixed to a cattle race, which is a corridor with high sides, which is the width of one animal. The purpose of a cattle race is to guide your cattle from one area to another. The sides are high enough to prevent cattle from jumping over the edge and to prevent them from being distracted from events outside the pen.

3. Drinking products for livestock

Drinkers, usually made of galvanized steel, are the most common drinkers for cattle. They are available in a range of sizes depending on the size of your herd.

4. Food products

There are a variety of feed products, although the most popular are usually ring feeders, which allow several cattle to be fed at the same time. Troughs are another option, as are barley beef feeders, cattle feed trailers, calf feeders, feed silos, and high-density feeders.

5. Livestock Management Systems

These fenced systems are often used in conjunction with cattle crates and breeds and are used to keep cattle in a holding area. They can be temporary or permanent systems and consist of metal (often galvanized) fences and gates.

6. Weighing equipment

Weighing cattle is an important part of any farmer’s job. There are various weighing devices available. These include weighing platforms, which are available in a variety of sizes and styles and are suitable for use with livestock cages.

7. Specialized team

There is also equipment available that is tailored to specific types of livestock. For example, Highland Cattle gear differs slightly from standard cattle gear to account for their different sizes and shapes.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to raising cattle. Food, shelter, ventilation, etc. They are also very important, but having the right equipment will ensure the safety of you and your livestock.

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