10 reasons why we need clean water

If your clean water dilemma is how to clean watermarks from glass vases, you’re only touching the tip of this iceberg. If your water is clean, should you leave water marks on glass vases?

SECRET: You can clean the watermarks on glass vases. I don’t guarantee this will work on all vases and I urge you to use these ideas at your own risk, but here they are. Mix equal parts of cold tea with vinegar and dissolve a denture cleaning tablet in the mixture. Or fill the vase with water and add 2 Alka Seltzer tablets. Soak your vase overnight in either solution, rinse, and pat dry.

Ten reasons why we need clean water

1. Clean water is vital to the human body.

The human body is 50 to 70 percent water and needs a regular supply of clean water to maintain health. We need clean drinking water. We need clean water to cook and prepare drinks. Healthy eating and drinking water go hand in hand. We must work to clean water around the world in order to maintain sufficient sources to meet this need.

2. Clean water is vital to our diet.

If we don’t clean the water and keep it clean, we will be locked into a diet of contaminated food. Not only fish, but also other meats, fruits and vegetables will contaminate us. If we want healthy and clean fish to jump out of rivers, streams and oceans, we will have to clean the water. If we want healthy organic products, we will have to clean the water used to irrigate the products.

3. Clean water is vital to human health.

Drinking water is vital to health, yet the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO) report that 1.1 billion people around the world lack access to safe water. The health consequences are devastating. The UN attributes 2.2 million deaths annually to lack of water and sanitation. By cleaning water, providing better sanitation, and teaching people how to keep water clean, future generations can enjoy longer, healthier lives.

4. Clean water is essential for water sports.

A swimmer in clean water is safe from diseases and illnesses caused by polluted and toxic water. A surfer need not fear swallowing water on a cloth. Boaters and others who use our water for recreation can relax without worrying about pollutants. Yet 27 years after the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972, 40% of our rivers, lakes, and estuaries were still too polluted for safe swimming and similar water sports.

5. Clean water is essential for fish and other wildlife.

As humans, we must consider the needs of the fish, whales, waterfowl, and other wildlife that live in the water. We must clean the water when there are oil spills, of course, but we must also work to clean the water that flows into our oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. We must clean the water for wildlife that do not live in water, but depend on clean water for their health and cleanliness.

6. We need clean water to reduce our carbon footprint.

The emissions involved in the production of bottled water are staggering. Pablo Päster, a sustainability engineer and MBA, did a thorough and comprehensive study of the cost of bringing a single liter of water from Fiji to the United States. It found that bottlers use almost seven times more water to bottle it than you actually drink. The total amount of water used to produce and deliver an imported water bottle is 6.74 kg! In the process of making the bottle, putting water in the bottle, and handing it over, 250 g of GHG emissions were released.

7. We need clean water to reduce litter.

Each plastic drinking water bottle takes hundreds of years to biodegrade in a landfill. Many plastic drinking water bottles are scattered around the field. Some will be recycled, but the recycling process is said to pollute the environment with toxic carcinogens. If we clean our water so that it is truly free of contaminants, additives, bacteria and viruses, people are less likely to depend on bottled water.

8. Clean rain and snow do not happen.

Rain is just one step in the water cycle. Pure rain does not automatically fall through the universe, filtered by the atmosphere and released from pure clouds. Neither is pure snow. Rain, snow, and other precipitation that we receive reaches the sky from bodies of water on earth. If we fail to clean the water on earth, we will have increasingly polluted rainfall. Polluted rainfall is harmful to everyone and everything on which it falls.

9. We need clean water for a total cleaning.

Whether it’s your clothes in the Maytag washer, your carpet under the cleaning machine, or your body under the shower, clean water is necessary for a thorough clean. From the early preschool years onward, children are taught proper hygiene, and they depend on clean water.

10. The consequences of inadequate access to drinking water are too great.

Many have expressed growing concern that water wars are more likely in the future than current oil battles. Where access to clean water is the very essence of life, “no water” can mean “no peace.” Not cleaning the water now can result in a global war for future generations.

You may be able to add more reasons. You can substitute for different reasons, but the end result remains the same. We need clean water.

It is more prudent and less expensive to keep water clean than to try to clean water that has become dirty and contaminated. Will we develop such wisdom for the clean water we have left?

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